Tuesday, 25 January 2011

What were you doing 30 years ago today?

I know what I was doing 30 years ago today!

30 years ago today was a Sunday. It was the Sunday that the Lakeside Baptist Church was officially 'transplanted' from Meadowridge Baptist Church, (Cape Peninsula, South Africa) to Muizenberg / Lakeside area.  A crowd of about 30 adults and children stood in front of the regular Meadowridge congregation while the minister (sorry can't remember who it was!) prayed for us.

After the service, standing outside on a beautiful Cape Town summer's day, Peter Bosch, one of the Lakeside founder members asked me how I was doing.  "I'm fine!" I replied, "A little tummy-ache, but nothing serious!"

So what else was special about the 25th January 1981?  It was the day our first born child was due to enter the world!  He arrived one day later! 

We didn't know if it was a girl or boy. Most people had 'predicted' it would be a girl and I had a few girl's names lined up but no boy's names! My mother was the only one who said it would be a boy - just by looking at the way I was carrying!  Always listen to your mother!

A nameless little boy was born at False Bay Hospital in Fish Hoek (South Africa) at 10.15am on Monday 26th January 1981.  He wasn't nameless for very long - Sean (as in Sean Connery!) Philip - after his paternal grandfather who had died 6 months previously from cancer. He was 6lb 2oz (2.78Kg) and was a little jaundiced so had to spend most of the week under lights, but was taken out regularly for feeds and cuddles, especially when Grandma's and Grandad came to visit. He was tiny! Look at him now!

"Monday's child is fair of face" - well considering the gaggle of girls always around him at youth clubs in his teens, I'd say they thought so too!

Happy birthday for the 26th Sean!  You are precious and loved by me, your father, your sisters, your wife and many, many more people. But you are precious in the eyes of God and he loves you more than any of us can!

God bless and enjoy your day!

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