Thursday, 23 June 2011


In a previous blog I mentioned I was writing my life story – probably till I die, so it won’t be published very soon! I’ve now got to page 73 in Word and to the year 1978, and my diaries (also something no-one’s ever going to see until I’m gone!) mention hearing “Dave ? who used to sing in Hawk” in Pretoria at a YFC SuperRally. Simple research confirmed that this was Dave Ornellas, band member of 'Hawk', the most successful rock band in the 70’s in South Africa.  However, Dave became a Christian, and continued to sing to the glory of God. (His son Daniel is a band member of Tree63, a South African Christian band.)

I discovered he died in September last year at the age of 62 and found some YouTube videos. His song, ‘Painter, Take your Picture off the Wall’, was the first one I clicked on and although it’s over 30years ago, it triggered something that said, Yes! I remember that!

I couldn’t find the lyrics on the web, and don’t know if he wrote them or they’re someone else’s. I also don’t know which Painter he might be referring to, but it doesn’t matter.

Painter, take your picture off the wall

You did not portray what happened there at all

Yes I know you are a master

And you’re known by your brush

Painter, take your picture off the wall

Now I don’t deny you’ve caught the atmosphere

With those darkened skies, those tortured clouds appear

Amid the mocking of the soldiers

And the weeping of the few

Painter, take you picture off the wall

Paint it, paint it, use your reds and blues

Show the sin of man through darkened bruises, broken flesh

Paint it, paint it, paint it like it was

Don’t deny the agony

Upon the wooden cross

Now did you really think he looked that way

With that unmarked face so beautiful and grey

Where are those tears of agony which fell from loving eyes

Painter, take your picture off the wall

Now I hope you don’t mind me just telling you

And you ask me how I know these things are true

You see those soldiers with their laughing eyes

One’s me the other you

So Painter, take your picture off the wall.

Paint it, paint it, use your reds and blues

Show the sin of man through darkened bruises, broken flesh

Paint it, paint it, paint it like it was

Don’t deny the agony upon the wooden cross.